Sunday, November 2, 2008

7 Habits for Highly Effective People

This book contains good stuff . Up till now we have had three presentations from this book. 1st habit is "Proactive", 2nd is "To begin With End In Mind" and third was "Put First Things First".
What i have learned from these Habits am writting it below:

Proactive : If we want to be sucessful in life then first we must have to plan before doing anything. If we are or would be Proactive , we could ready for anything that may happen.. By realizing what things you are going to face in future and ready to face anything is Proactiveness,So we must ready to face any thing should be prepare to coupe the upcoming Problems(Known or Unkown)

To Begin With End In Mind: What i understood from this habit that What ever matter we are going to do we must have a certain purpose or target which we have to achieve in that particular task. If we are not having any motive for our task then all we are doing is in useless. Simply we must have a Target or Goal before starting any Work..

Put First Thing First: Its 1210 am on dial.. Dont you think its time for Bed,,, Hmmmm I am putting First thing First because i ve to get up early ,,,,, I am following this habit, remaining work would be done by tommorow ;) ..... Good Night

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Thursday's Marketing class( 30-10-08)

I totaly forgot to post my routine Post on class as sir told us to do this exercise.My mind suddenly recall the habit "Bigin with the end in Mind"and being "Proactive",(I WANT TO GET AN "A" SO CP MARKS SHOULD NOT BE LOSE IN ANY CASE SO POSTING THIS.....;) Shhhhh!!!) Need to work Hard!!!!

Class was pretty good, Sir tought CH # 7 and discuss example relating to real life... Market Segment and Target market etc were the topics.. Class dicipline was good although one of our distinguish class fellow was half a sleep and Sir cought.....

Over all enviorment was friendly,sir forced students to participate. Sir Postponed the Quizz (yuppieeee) ;o)

Monday, October 27, 2008

U Fone Mission Statement

"With a fresher look than is accepted and appreciated across the board by people of all ages, we aim to connect with you and provide you state of the art services. No matter who you are, where you are, what you want to say, how you want to say it or how you feel, you are our focus. Because at Ufone, it’s all about U!"


Saturday, October 25, 2008

Need to work Hard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Time giving to Marketing studies

i gave 1 hour for presentation:)